Tuesday, June 22, 2004

About my Blog

I started this blog only a few days ago, and I immediately ran into problems with my first entry. And that is never a good thing. Most likely, I was simply lacking direction. Perhaps I should have started out with a goal or a mission statement. Then again, that doesn't really conform to the way I do things. I always felt that having to write down "New Year's Resolutions" and "goals" for the new schoolyear cramped my style. But at the same time, I am extremely critical of the things I create. Well, I still haven't solved my problem. I'm only continuing this blog, because it seems like a cool thing to do. I may be able to express myself in new and exciting ways. I enjoy what I have read from other people's blogs. Here's what happened...

As stated before I did not like my first entry. My next entry was basically an apology for what I had posted. It's just not the way that I wanted to start off. So, I have taken the coward's way out and deleted those first two entries. I copied and pasted what was written to a Wordpad document, and perhaps in the future I may repost what was written. Maybe I will try again to describe what had been on my mind, with better success.

I didn't have to do that. After all, I have entitled this blog "JiVE." In other words, what is written here may be nothing more than meaningless, wasted space. I am more inclined to accept the worldview that we are more or less insignificant as individuals in comparison to the bigger picture. Our own opinions, creations, joys, sorrows, triumphs, nay...our very lives, as profound as they may be to us as individuals, are merely our own opinions, creations, joys, sorrows and triumphs. We all have to figure it out on our own. Our journey towards an understanding of the universe will be travelled upon different roads, even if we accept the same religious truths. My acceptance of Jesus Christ, for example, is merely the beginning for myself. There is yet much to be learned and experienced. But they will be experiences unique to me.

I'd better stop there. Because it was only my first two entries that were deleted and not my third (which now will appear as the first, entitled "Favorite Movie Moments Vol. 1"), it does not mean that the remaining entry is any more or less absurd, more or less worthy of deletion. It is simply a matter of my own personal taste.

This is JiVE. It is what it is. Who knows what lies ahead? And more importantly, who cares?

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