Wednesday, June 23, 2004

A room fit for a blogger

I've done it. My bedroom, which was a shamefully messy and cramped disaster just 2 days ago, has been transformed into the perfect blogging environment. The bed has been moved from the south wall to the east wall. In its place is my "desk" and computer. This particular arrangement, which I remember working well back in high school, has allowed the room to be opened up. For those all-too-common moments of writers block, I now have a convenient amount of open space to pace around in and think. My northern window is now unobstructed, and if the neighbors feel so inclined they can now watch me change or walk around without a shirt (and possibly pants). My college books have emerged from the state of suspended animation that is storage and are now being proudly displayed on a proper shelf. I am ready to blog. Who wants to do some jivetalkin'? Who wants some?

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