Tuesday, June 22, 2004

The Official 22 things that I Want to do Before I am 22 Years of Age

Well, a week from today is my birthday, and I will be 22 years of age. Which means that I have a week to accomplish "the official 22 things that I want to do before I am 22 years of age." They are as follows...

1. Watch all 6 Star Wars episodes in one sitting, preferably dressed up in a Stormtrooper costume. (Scratch that one. Curse you Lucas! You were supposed to have finished them ALL by now!)
2. Get married and honeymoon at the Neverland Ranch.
3. Get divorced and go hit the singles bar.
4. Produce a children's cartoon show promoting ecologically-sound thinking.
5. Discover what the Batcave is really a metaphor for.
6. Eat a pound of broccoli.
7. Free Tibet.
8. Free my mind.
9. Patent an invention, preferably something that will take care of grease stains.
10. Write a check for $1 million dollars and rip it up in some homeless person's face.
11. Grace the cover of Sports Illustrated, preferably for achieving athletic greatness in a sport.
12. Dive headfirst into a giant mound of leaves.
13. Earn the respect of my colleagues.
14. Escape to Cuba by makeshift raft.
15. Achieve true flight for at least .09 seconds, and possibly grace the cover of Sports Illustrated.
16. Build a robot out of 1,000 other disassembled robots to create a MASTER ROBOT, and possibly patent it.
17. Develop a taste for mariachi music, good or bad.
18. Post bail.
19. Sing the National Anthem underwater.
20. Decline a major award.
21. Sever all ties with South America.
22. Get sunshine on a cloudy day, as the feller once said.

Well, shoot, with the exception of number one, which I most likely WON'T be able to accomplish by next Tuesday, I've got my work cut out for me. What was I thinking? Where am I gonna find a pile of leaves in the summer?!

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